Our Lady of the Angels will be encouraging your support of the Catholic Appeal at all weekend masses March 16 & 17. Please click anywhere on this article to hear cardinal Sean's message about the appeal and how it helps tend those in need within the Archdiocese of Boston.
Irish Night 2024 will be held on Thursday, march 21st at St. Mary's Parish Center from 7p.m. to 10 p.m.. Sing and Dance to the Keohane & Kenneally Band. Tickets are $30 per person and can be purchased online or by calling the office at (781) 826-4303. Click anywhere on this article to get more information and/or purchase a ticket online.
Deacon Rick Ashburn will be coordinating a different movie each Tuesday at 10a.m. to be shown in our Parish Center on these remaining dates: March 19 & 26. Our final movie is March 26: "The Passion of Christ", (R), 2 hrs, 7 min.
Dinner, Drinks, Music, Dancing and wonderful Auction items! Black Rock Country Club. Come join us! For tickets or more details click anywhere on this article . Limited tickets so don't wait.
2023 Christmas Pageant Children in Kindergarten- Grade 6 are invited to participate in our living Gospel at 5:30 PM Mass on Christmas Eve Sunday, December 24th at Saint Mary's. Rehearsals are on Wednesday, December 13 and 20 from 4:00-5:00 PM in St. Mary’s Church. Please email Ellen McDonough at emcdonough@ourladyoftheangels.com. Please include the following information in your response: Child's name (First and Last), their Grade, Parent's Name (First and Last), Parent's Cell phone # and Primary Family Email. Volunteers are needed to help at each rehearsal. Please let us know if you are available to help.
It's Back!!! The Christmas Bazaar at Our Lady of the Angels FRIDAY EVENING, December 8th from 4-8 pm at St. Mary’s Parish Center Raffle table with great prizes! Bake Sale table, Local crafters and artisans, Pictures with Santa, Food for Purchase, Movie for the Children and MORE!!! Are you a crafter and would like to rent a table? Do you bake? Can you make something for the bake table? Do you have something for the raffle table? If so, please contact mdowling@ourladyoftheangels.com. Want to help? Contact Maura at the above email.
On Monday. December 11th from 6:30 to 7:45p.m. at St. Mary’s Church, we will have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and an opportunity for confession. All are invited to come spend some quiet time with the Lord.
Fr. Chris and Deacon John Murray will host their 3rd training for students in Grades 3-12 who desire to be altar servers from 4:30-5:30 PM on Tuesday, November 7th (No session on Tuesday Oct. 31) Servers who were recently trained are also asked to come for a refresher. Attendance at all 3 training sessions is expected but if you missed one and need a little extra help, please contact Deacon John at jpmurray1225@gmail.com with questions.
Mark your calendar and join us on Sunday, September 24th, immediately after the 11:30 Mass at St. Mary's. We will have a light luncheon at St. Mary's Parish Center to welcome back Bishop Dennis and to support his Diocese of Berberati in the Central African Republic. Please RSVP if you plan to attend by calling the Parish Office at (781) 826-4303 by Monday, September 18th.
We are offering 4 different studies this Fall to strengthen and stretch your Catholic faith. Think of it as back to school for Adults! Study subjects include: "Fulfilled: Biblical Foundations of Catholicism" on Mondays, then "When You Pray" on Wednesday, "Acts: Spread of the Kingdom" on Thursday and starting in October a series called "Eternal Rest: The Art of Dying Well" on Tuesdays. Click anywhere on this article to be brought to our Adult Faith Formation page and learn more or register for one or all of our programs!
Thank you to all who helped make Fill-the-Barrel a great success! Parishioners purchased and donated 970 tee-shirts for the Pygmy children in Bishop Dennis' diocese. These gifts of mercy will be leaving for Africa after Labor Day along with Mercy Sews handmade girls dresses, blankets, dolls and rosary beads. Click anywhere on this article to go to the mercysews.org webpage for more information.
We will be holding a Training session for new or returning Eucharistic Ministers on Tuesday, June 13th from 10-11 am at St. Mary's Church. Please RSVP to Patty Cockey at pcockey@ourladyoftheangels.com or call (781) 826-4303.
Our Lady of the Angels Parish will be hosting a “Protecting God’s Children Seminar” on Monday, June 19th from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at St. Mary’s Parish Center. The Boston Archdiocese requires that all Parish Volunteers (over 18 yrs of age) take this course once, in order to be trained to detect and prevent possible child abuse. Please pre-register with us by contacting: Patty Cockey at pcockey@ourladyofthenagels.com or Maura Dowling at mdowling@ourladyoftheangels.com If you have participated in the past you do not need to re-take this course. If you cannot make this session there are literally dozens of other dates, times and locations in the Boston Archdiocese we can help find something that works for you. We know your time is valuable but our children our priceless ! Thank you for taking this responsibility seriously and for making our parish vibrant and safe!! More Questions? Call 781-826-4303. Click anywhere on this article to go to a downloadable flyer with more details.
On Tuesday, May 23rd we will host a meeting at St. Mary’s Church, for current Extraordinary Ministers to come together so we can update you on changes within the ministry. This event is for also for those who would like more information about becoming trained as a new Extraordinary Minister. We will have both a 9:45AM morning session and a 6:30 PM evening session. that expect to run a little over 1 hour. Please choose which session works for your schedule and RSVP to Patty Cockey at (781) 826-4303 ext. 239 or email Patty at pcockey@ourladyoftheangels.com. we are always looking to grow this ministry, so please feel invited if you wish to learn more.
Please join us Sunday, April 16, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. (immediately following the 11:45 Mass) at Our Lady of the Angels Parish at St. Mary’s Church at 392 Hanover St., Hanover. We will start our celebration in the lower church (Life House) with a Meet & Greet social with light refreshments, then head upstairs to the main church around 2 p.m. with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the Chaplet, and Benediction. Come celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday with us! For more information please email: Susan Lyons, OFS at lyons1965@verizon.net . Sponsored by: St. Mary of the Portiuncula Order of Secular Franciscans
Holy Thursday 7:15 p.m. at St. Mary's (Hanover) Good Friday 3 p.m. at St. Mary's (Hanover) 7:15 p.m. at St. Mary's (Hanover) Holy Saturday 7:30 p.m. at St. Mary's (Hanover) Easter Sunday 7 a.m. at St. Mary's (Hanover) 8:30 a.m. at St. Mary's (Hanover) 10 a.m. at St. Mary's (Hanover) 11:30 a.m. at St. Mary's (Hanover) 6 p.m. at St. Mary's (Hanover)