Altar Server Scheduling - Heather Stratford - [email protected]
Altar servers are trained in the fall and/or spring. Children who are in grade 3 and older are encouraged to be trained as altar servers. Altar Servers will be trained to serve at all churches in Our Lady of the Angels Parish.
A new 2023 Alatar Server Schedule was just emailed out in December for winter masses at St. Mary's.
It is the responsibility of the altar server to find a substitute if they cannot serve on the date they are assigned.
A contact list with all active altar servers was included in December schedule for this reason.
Altar Server Training - Deacon John Murray
Details and training dates will be announced at Mass, on the website, and in the bulletin.
If you did not get the recent December 2022 schedule and thought you should, please email Deacon John Murray at [email protected]
Pattie Brett (781) 826-4303
Members of this ministry launder altar server albs and the linens used at Mass. They also clean the sacristy, predella, reservation chapel, and Mary shrine as needed. Spend some quiet time in church with us!
Joe Gelly at [email protected]
Announcers welcome the congregation to Mass and state guidelines for reception of the Eucharist from a prepared script. If you are comfortable speaking in front of a group, attend the same Mass on a regular basis, and can arrive 15 minutes early, please consider offering your service to this ministry.
Pattie Brett at (781) 826-4303
Just as we notice the changes in season in the world around us, the church environment reflects the liturgical season; flowers, wreaths, purple at Advent/Lent, red at Pentecost. Careful attention to the environment helps draw our attention to the celebration of the liturgy.
EM Scheduling: Ron Tesoriero at [email protected]
To be trained as an Extraordinary Minister: Deacon John Murray at (781) 826-4303
The Eucharist is the summit toward which all preparations of the lay liturgical ministers have led; when we come together to recognize Jesus, in the breaking of the Bread. Those who distribute the body and blood of Christ should reflect the Church’s belief in the actual, real, and true presence of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. Please consider the call to be an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist.
Extraordinary Ministers to Sick & Homebound information can be found under Outreach Ministries.
Gina Bongarzone (781) 826-4303
Adult Altar Servers for Funerals are always welcome and will be trained to help prepare and serve at morning Funeral Masses.
We typically put out an email request to the funeral altar server team for scheduling, usually with at least 3 days notice. Responsibilities include arriving approximately 20-30 minutes before the assigned Funeral Mass/Service to help set-up and assist clergy. This ministry is great for folks who work from home or have some daytime availability but who need flexibility in their scheduling. Please reach out to us with questions!
Parish Office (781) 826-4303 or [email protected]
We strive to be a welcoming parish! If you love to meet people, then this is the ministry for you. A smile and a warm “Hello” can do wonders for someone new to the parish or just visiting. Greeters serve approximately once every 4-6 weeks for about 15 minutes before and after Mass.
Contact: The Parish Office to volunteer (781) 826-4303
Everyone looks forward to coffee and donuts and time spent visiting with other parishioners following Mass on Sunday! Why not make it a family affair? Responsibilities include setting up donuts and coffee before Mass, replenishing supplies during fellowship after Mass, and helping with clean up.
Visit our Sign-Up Genius scheduler link to help regularly or to find a substitute:
Joe Gelly (781) 424-9711 or [email protected]
Proclaiming the Word of God is an honor. Lectors are provided a Lector Workbook to prepare for an assigned Weekend Mass.
Please plan to arrive 15 to 20 minutes early for Mass to look over readings and proclaim the scriptures during Mass.
Ellen McDonough (781) 826-4303
Have a gift for music or a song in your heart? We invite you to join our Music Ministry.
Feel free to contact Ellen McDonough if you are interested in becoming a member of either the regular Sunday Mass choir
or the seasonal Festival choir.
The main responsibilities of an usher includes guiding people into the worship space and collecting the offertory.
Help is always appreciated so please see a Deacon after mass, or contact the parish office, if you are interested in becoming part of the Usher Minister.
Deacon John Murray (781) 826-4303
Who doesn’t love a wedding? Share the joy and love of this special sacrament by assisting the bridal party during the wedding rehearsal as well as on the day of the wedding to ensure things run smoothly. Of course, training is provided!