AN EASTER MESSAGE FROM OUR PASTOR: Happy Easter! As we begin our second year as Our Lady of the Angels Parish, we grow ever closer to the dream of a new worship site being fulfilled. It is a very exciting time, and we know that the Holy Spirit that has brought us to this point will continue to guide our efforts. As you all know, our present church is unable to handle the crowds at several of the Masses, and parking is very difficult when we have a full church. It is both a happy and sad reality that parishioners are often relegated to another Mass due to overcrowding or lack of parking. As we enter the Easter season and the new life that comes with Spring, we are ever hopeful about the new church and facility that will be our home for years to come. In that spirit, we are excited to provide some updates on the project and unveil our plans for the new church after all the Masses next weekend (April 6 & 7). Please pray with us that the enthusiasm of the past years’ efforts will continue to spread throughout our communities. Finally, I wish to thank our staff and all of our parishioners for contributing to such a welcoming community. Here at Our Lady of the Angels, our Easter joy is not limited to the Easter season. I am so grateful for the way our parish family continues to evangelize with joy. On behalf of Father Joe and the entire staff of Our Lady’s, we wish you a blessed Easter season! Sincerely yours in the Risen Christ, Father Chris
On Monday, July 10th at 7:15PM representatives from the Archdiocese will be hosting at meeting in St. Mary's Parish Center to discuss the closure of St. Thecla's. All are invited to attend.
OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS: PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE: Meeting to Discuss St. Helen’s Property on Thursday, October 6 at 7:15 p.m. St. Mary’s Parish Center. As we move forward with the plan to build one church, we invite all parishioners to attend a meeting with Diocesan representatives on Thursday, October 6 at 7:15 p.m. at St. Mary’s Parish Center. Having consulted with the Parish Council, the next phase is to discuss the process of closing a church abiding by all canonical (Church) law. This will make the St. Helen’s and St. Thecla’s properties available for sale and for use, other than worship. The October 6 meeting will be to discuss the St. Helen’s property specifically. There will be a separate meeting in the future to discuss the St. Thecla’s property.
In our bulletin please see the following note from our Pastor, Fr. Chris related to bringing our St. Mary's, St. Helen's, St. Thecla's together with a new name in anticipation of one, new unified worship site. "As it has been one year since our three Churches formed one parish, we now feel it’s time for a new name for our parish. We are open to any suggestions from all parishioners. It should be noted, however, that while we may recommend a name to Cardinal Seán, the final decision is ultimately his to make. The Cardinal has made it clear that our suggestions should not include any Church names that are currently in use in the Archdiocese of Boston. One of the working titles that has been suggested and very favorably received is “Our Lady of the Angels.” Our Lady of the Angels in Assisi is the church that houses St. Francis’s tomb, also known as the Portiuncula. As a replica of the Portiuncula is present just down the road at 405 Washington St, Hanover, it seems like a great connection. The new parish would also commonly be referred to as “Our Lady’s,” which has a wonderful connection to our current worship sites being dedicated to three female Saints." You can use the form in the bulletin or drop us a note at the Parish Office. This process should only take a few weeks, so if you would like to submit a name for consideration, please submit it to the parish by the weekend of July 30 and 31.
On July 1, 2021, St. Mary's in Hanover, St. Helen's in Norwell, and St. Thecla's in Pembroke will officially merge to become one parish. Until the new parish has an official name, we will simply be known as the Parish of St. Mary's, St. Helen's, and St. Thecla's. The parish councils are currently working to come up with a new Mass schedule using all three churches to be put into place in July.
VOTE!! Ballots for the Parish Council Elections will be at all Masses this weekend. Please select 6 nominees from each parish to represent you on the Holy Mothers Collaborative Parish Council.